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Housing Bank in order to extend the field of utilization of banking services, the possible that you are through your mobile phone so that you can in addition to substantially reduce costs of banking operations to ease at any time and place of these services use.
The advantages and features of the Mobile Bank mortgage
1-notification of account balance
2-transfer funds to your accounts or others
3-payment of water bills, electricity, gas, Telephone, Fixed, Mobile, and complications of the municipality
4-payment of installments facility Bank housing
5-notice from the last three turnovers account
6-request send bills to e-mail ( email)
7 - request block card
8-Obtaining the remainder and pay bills and buy charged by all cards. other banks
How to use the Mobile Bank mortgage
1 – to use all the services along the housing bank should be a bank account card-based housing Bank (housing card).
By the way, the possibility of obtaining ... payment of bills for all the cards. other banks possible.
2 – For each card, your should password the second set. To this end, it is necessary for housing your cards to ATM, Bank, housing, visit, and through the menu Change Password, and then choose the option "allocate or change the password, the second", etc. password of your preference (5 to 12 digits) register.
3 - software, mobile banking on your cell phone install.
Methods to get the mobile application of the Bank :
News - get the software from the branches through the system, Bluetooth
B - get the software through visiting the website of the Bank for housing and selecting the option electronic banking, and then select system along with the banks, the housing of the menu systems and Download the software from the relevant page and transfer it to the mobile phone through the communication cable, phone.
A variety of software versions along the banks
Now, this is the program in 2 Version developed is :
1-Java version, which on most phones common that is compatible with استانداراد MIDP 2.0 can be installed . The main files
The software in this version are : Maskan_Java_MPS.Jad and Maskan_Java_MPS.Jar that should be to phone transfer.
Note : If the compressed file Maskan_Java_MPS.Zip to Download? its beginning to decompress and have 2 files listed to phone transfer.
2-Version ndvryd that is specific to a smartphone operating system Google Android.
The original file of this version include : Maskan_Android_MPS.apk
Note : If the compressed file Maskan_Android_MPS.zip to Download? its beginning to decompress the file Maskan_Android_MPS.apk to phone transfer.
Tip : for information on the compatibility of your phone with each of the standards above can guide the phone, or to Internet sites reputable such as www.gsmarena.com or www.gsm.ir please visit.
By the way, instructions for installation and how to use the software as a pdf file through the page system along the Bank on the Bank's website, reliable Download.
, Install Apps Mobile Banking:
1 - According to the compatibility of the phone with one of the versions of Java, or Android, file, or files installed to your phone has transmitted and the installation will begin.
2 - When installing the program, a password and the desired direction of arrival to the software is requested, it is and then the Exchange operation of the door system are environmental, safe and secure to send and receive messages, you will be provided.
3 –view your cards (according to instructions for setup and use) to the mobile app introduce here.
4 - after adding the specifications of each card and get the message confirming it, a list of facilities and services which the card will be available.
5-service, "declared the remains", "the announced the last three movements," and "for the status of the facility", and "send invoice to email" and "pay bills", etc.", buy recharge the SIM card credit" and "request blocking the card" component of public services are and no need to sign branches and only install the software on the mobile phone usable.
6 - to benefit from special services along the housing Bank, namely, "transfer of funds" and "payment facility" should be to one of the branches visit the Bank and complete the application form below.
How of features along the banks to use?
1-account balance
By selecting this option and entering the password the second card from the remaining account balance, card, notify your cheapest.
2-The transfer of funds to the card
If want, account, card or to the housing of the card, other individuals, intermodal transfer have the option of transferring funds to the card, make your selection and enter the card number, the target, the desired amount and then password second card ... profile card holder destination is displayed, and after confirmation, operation the transfer of funds is done and at the end of the system message based on the success of the transaction along with a tracking code or lack of success will display.
3-paying the bills
If you want water bills, electricity, gas, Telephone, Fixed, Mobile, or any municipality of your payment on the option to "pay bill" SELECT id bill and Payment ID, and then password, second card enter your. Then the system a message containing the bill and the amount of it that of the ID, bill ID and pay extraction can be show that in the case of the authenticity of it. option confirm select. At the end of the system, a message on successful operation, the payment, along with tracking code, or lack of success of the transaction will be displayed.
4-pay installment
One of the most important services along the banks, housing, the possibility of payment by installments, the facility received from the housing Bank. You can select this option, the card number, installment enter your. Then, the last system for the status of the facility, plus the amount of the installment, with the possibility to change the amount of the payment for confirmation to show you that after entering the password the second card (card of Origin), the request operation installment payments to system send at the end of the message based on the success of the operation along with the track or lack of success to you will be displayed.
*If previously attributed to the introduction of the card or the card facility in the software system, the acting branch have After selecting the option, installment payments, etc. the list of cards the facility for you to select will appear.
*Installment payments others also use the same method possible.
*If the card facility, such as a card, independent system of the world be menu services, it will be like this:
1-last three outings, the 2-face situation, the 3 - block cards, 4-lack of allocation of
Note: for the introduction of the card facility, as a card, independent need to encode the second card is through the branch opening the account, the facility significant obtaining.
5-the last three movements,
With the use of this option and entering the password the second card, systems, and information last three outings your account on the mobile phone will display.
6-send bills to e-mail (email)
To use this service, you must have your e-mail address to the application introduced here . To do this, the first in the list of the main program, the option "user settings" and then option "e-mail" please select.
You can email or mail your new assignment A as the desired direction of the e-mail address to the system introduced here.
After registering the e-mail address, you can list the Services your cards by selecting the option "send invoice to email" 30 outings last Account Card your request and to mail the desired send.
7-block the card
In the event of theft or lost card, or other security items, you can select the option مسدودی card from process operations, bank card, prevent.
It is noted that unblocking the card through visiting the branch and authentication with credible documentation, the responses will be.
8-lack of allocation of
In order to establish the confidence of the proprietary nature of the services offered the system to the holder of the card, merely a card number to a mobile number or
SIM card allocation will be given بنحویکه after registration and assignment of a card to a cell phone number, other registration and its use for other SIM cards are possible will not be.
If you want your SIM card, swap them and or your card in another mobile numbers separate register inevitably you're beginning with the selection of option "non-allocation", which allocates services card to the mobile number current cancellation and then proceeded to replace the mobile phone or SIM card. Operation, registration card, again with the install software and do routine relevant. Also, if you use an option of allocation., the special services card is disabled, and the only public service active. therefore, the direction of activation of the special services should be back to one of the branches of the housing Bank, please visit.
Terms and conditions of service with the Bank of housing
1 - The use of all the services included special services, along the banks housing only through the mobile number has been introduced, and housing cards, defined as the account of origin in the system is possible.
2 – The possibility of registration cards. other banks, as card source in the system along the banks housing there is currently only services, announced the account balances and paying bills for these cards there.
3 - before any change or assignment number SIM card cell phone to. change bank accounts defined in the system or application re-establish service along the bank, should be one of the branches of the housing Bank, please complete the application form. Also to maintain safety when switching cell phones, etc. apps available on Android, delete here.
4 - note that should not be a password, login and passwords, the second of the cards and other proprietary information available to other entities. Otherwise, the responsibility for misuse of your card, and any damage caused by it, the responsibility is yours.
5 - Now the Commission direction to provide services along the banks, housing, etc. from your account, the deduction does not.
6 - If for any reason, wish to continue to use the services of the Mobile Bank housing do not have far to in writing to the Central Bank here.
7 - If due to any problem in the system, although to your account in order to. the bank can be compared to fix the mistake and withdraw funds from your account. Note that in the event of a deficit account balance, etc. should be with the first written notice of the Bank in proportion to the chargeback action. otherwise should in addition to refund this amount., the funds freed (sum) equivalent to the highest interest rate on the facility without a deposit in cross-section overdraft بهاضافه 6% fines in the year to pay to the Bank.
8 - considering that all operations and transactions related to purchase, transfer funds, pay bills and installments facility in the system, along the Bank records. Bank to do they hit the offering will not.
9 - carrying out any operations and transactions through the system such as purchase, transfer funds, pay bills and installment facility as payment order to the Bank is deemed, so the possibility of cancellation or the Cancel operation and financial transaction carried out or return the funds fees deducted as no no.
10 - The Bank could be suspected cases and information entities suspected of abuse of information by other customers or services, Mobile Bank, and also the information of transactions conducted for the prosecution to judicial authorities, and legal to provide.
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