Paryavaran (EVS) for CTET/TET

Paryavaran (EVS) for CTET/TET v2.8 Мод APK (Remove ads,Mod speed)

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Paryavaran (EVS) for CTET/TET Мод App Подробности

इस ऐप में आपको पर्यावरण से जुड़े प्रश्न और उत्तर के बारे में बताया गया है और साथ ही साथ पिछले वर्षों में पूछे गये प्रश्नों की प्रैक्टिस सेट भी दी गयी है
जो आपकी परीक्षा के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हो सकते है।

This app consists of all learning material related to Paryavaran Adhyayan and state based teacher competitive exam. We are doing our best to provide you the right and to the point as per syllabus . This is helpful for the preparation which can help you for best practice.

This app is important for TET,CTET,JTET,HTET,UPTET,MTET,BTET,CHTET,RTET Exam,UPSC, IAS, IPS, IFS, IBPS,UPSSSC,SSC,POLICE SI/CONSTABEL/ VDO, Lekhpal, UP Nagar Nigam, Junior Assistant, Junior Engineer, Stenographer, Computer Operator, Forest Guard, Instructor, Driver, Lab Technician, Accountant, Technical Assistant, Urdu Translator, Excise Constable, Revenue Inspector, And all State Competitive Examination .

पर्यावरण अध्ययन (Environmental Study) के विषय में अपकी सफलता को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए इस App को बनाया गया तथा इसकी अध्ययन सामग्री NCERT पर आधारित है|
# EVS Mock Test
# EVS One Liner notes in Hindi
# EVS Subject Wise Study Notes
# EVS Previous Year Question Answer in Hindi

Helps you to gain knowledge about :-
1. Environment
2. Live
3. The living world
4. Ashram and Family
5. Food, Health and Hygiene
6. Agriculture and soil
7. Water, Air, Heat, Light and Sound
8. Elements, Mixtures and Separations
9. Sources of Energy
10. Solar System and Earth
11. India: Unity in Diversity
12. Indian tribes, folk arts, festivals and languages
13. Travel and Passenger
14. Natural Disasters and Forest Protection
15. Sports, Glimpses of Indian History and World Scenario

Environmental Pedagogy पर्यावरण शिक्षण शास्त्र

1. Meaning of environmental education
2. Environmental learning policy
3. Teaching based notes
4. Evaluation of environmental learning
5. Sports
6. Information Technology based notes

This App is designed to provide useful information / contents to user only for awareness to the People. All the images/other information available in this app is available in public domain and can be used by anyone. We respect the copyrights, trademarks and intellectual property of others and also, we expect this from other users. No claim is made about the accuracy or validity of the content/information on this app, or its suitability for any specific purpose whatsoever whether express or implied. Since all readers who access any information on this app are doing so voluntarily, and of their own accord, any outcome (decision or claim) of such access.

हमें उम्मीद है की आपको हमारे द्वारा इस ऐप में उपलव्द जानकारी पसंद आयी होगी कृपया आप अपना सुझाव जरुर दें |

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